
 2# Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
 5import datetime
 6from typing import Union
 9class DatetimeParser:
10    """
11    Parses and formats datetime objects according to a specified format.
13    This class mainly acts as a wrapper to properly handling timestamp formatting through the "%s" directive.
15    %s is part of the list of format codes required by  the 1989 C standard, but it is unreliable because it always return a datetime in the system's timezone.
16    Instead of using the directive directly, we can use datetime.fromtimestamp and dt.timestamp()
17    """
19    _UNIX_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
21    def parse(self, date: Union[str, int], format: str) -> datetime.datetime:
22        # "%s" is a valid (but unreliable) directive for formatting, but not for parsing
23        # It is defined as
24        # The number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0000 (UTC).
25        #
26        # The recommended way to parse a date from its timestamp representation is to use datetime.fromtimestamp
27        # See
28        if format == "%s":
29            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(date), tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
30        elif format == "%s_as_float":
31            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(date), tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
32        elif format == "%epoch_microseconds":
33            return self._UNIX_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(date))
34        elif format == "%ms":
35            return self._UNIX_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=int(date))
36        elif "%_ms" in format:
37            format = format.replace("%_ms", "%f")
38        parsed_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date), format)
39        if self._is_naive(parsed_datetime):
40            return parsed_datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
41        return parsed_datetime
43    def format(self, dt: datetime.datetime, format: str) -> str:
44        # strftime("%s") is unreliable because it ignores the time zone information and assumes the time zone of the system it's running on
45        # It's safer to use the timestamp() method than the %s directive
46        # See
47        if format == "%s":
48            return str(int(dt.timestamp()))
49        if format == "%s_as_float":
50            return str(float(dt.timestamp()))
51        if format == "%epoch_microseconds":
52            return str(int(dt.timestamp() * 1_000_000))
53        if format == "%ms":
54            # timstamp() returns a float representing the number of seconds since the unix epoch
55            return str(int(dt.timestamp() * 1000))
56        if "%_ms" in format:
57            _format = format.replace("%_ms", "%f")
58            milliseconds = int(dt.microsecond / 1000)
59            formatted_dt = dt.strftime(_format).replace(dt.strftime("%f"), "%03d" % milliseconds)
60            return formatted_dt
61        else:
62            return dt.strftime(format)
64    def _is_naive(self, dt: datetime.datetime) -> bool:
65        return dt.tzinfo is None or dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(dt) is None
class DatetimeParser:
10class DatetimeParser:
11    """
12    Parses and formats datetime objects according to a specified format.
14    This class mainly acts as a wrapper to properly handling timestamp formatting through the "%s" directive.
16    %s is part of the list of format codes required by  the 1989 C standard, but it is unreliable because it always return a datetime in the system's timezone.
17    Instead of using the directive directly, we can use datetime.fromtimestamp and dt.timestamp()
18    """
20    _UNIX_EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
22    def parse(self, date: Union[str, int], format: str) -> datetime.datetime:
23        # "%s" is a valid (but unreliable) directive for formatting, but not for parsing
24        # It is defined as
25        # The number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0000 (UTC).
26        #
27        # The recommended way to parse a date from its timestamp representation is to use datetime.fromtimestamp
28        # See
29        if format == "%s":
30            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(date), tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
31        elif format == "%s_as_float":
32            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(date), tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
33        elif format == "%epoch_microseconds":
34            return self._UNIX_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(date))
35        elif format == "%ms":
36            return self._UNIX_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=int(date))
37        elif "%_ms" in format:
38            format = format.replace("%_ms", "%f")
39        parsed_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date), format)
40        if self._is_naive(parsed_datetime):
41            return parsed_datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
42        return parsed_datetime
44    def format(self, dt: datetime.datetime, format: str) -> str:
45        # strftime("%s") is unreliable because it ignores the time zone information and assumes the time zone of the system it's running on
46        # It's safer to use the timestamp() method than the %s directive
47        # See
48        if format == "%s":
49            return str(int(dt.timestamp()))
50        if format == "%s_as_float":
51            return str(float(dt.timestamp()))
52        if format == "%epoch_microseconds":
53            return str(int(dt.timestamp() * 1_000_000))
54        if format == "%ms":
55            # timstamp() returns a float representing the number of seconds since the unix epoch
56            return str(int(dt.timestamp() * 1000))
57        if "%_ms" in format:
58            _format = format.replace("%_ms", "%f")
59            milliseconds = int(dt.microsecond / 1000)
60            formatted_dt = dt.strftime(_format).replace(dt.strftime("%f"), "%03d" % milliseconds)
61            return formatted_dt
62        else:
63            return dt.strftime(format)
65    def _is_naive(self, dt: datetime.datetime) -> bool:
66        return dt.tzinfo is None or dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(dt) is None

Parses and formats datetime objects according to a specified format.

This class mainly acts as a wrapper to properly handling timestamp formatting through the "%s" directive.

%s is part of the list of format codes required by the 1989 C standard, but it is unreliable because it always return a datetime in the system's timezone. Instead of using the directive directly, we can use datetime.fromtimestamp and dt.timestamp()

def parse(self, date: Union[str, int], format: str) -> datetime.datetime:
22    def parse(self, date: Union[str, int], format: str) -> datetime.datetime:
23        # "%s" is a valid (but unreliable) directive for formatting, but not for parsing
24        # It is defined as
25        # The number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0000 (UTC).
26        #
27        # The recommended way to parse a date from its timestamp representation is to use datetime.fromtimestamp
28        # See
29        if format == "%s":
30            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(date), tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
31        elif format == "%s_as_float":
32            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(date), tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
33        elif format == "%epoch_microseconds":
34            return self._UNIX_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=int(date))
35        elif format == "%ms":
36            return self._UNIX_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=int(date))
37        elif "%_ms" in format:
38            format = format.replace("%_ms", "%f")
39        parsed_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date), format)
40        if self._is_naive(parsed_datetime):
41            return parsed_datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
42        return parsed_datetime
def format(self, dt: datetime.datetime, format: str) -> str:
44    def format(self, dt: datetime.datetime, format: str) -> str:
45        # strftime("%s") is unreliable because it ignores the time zone information and assumes the time zone of the system it's running on
46        # It's safer to use the timestamp() method than the %s directive
47        # See
48        if format == "%s":
49            return str(int(dt.timestamp()))
50        if format == "%s_as_float":
51            return str(float(dt.timestamp()))
52        if format == "%epoch_microseconds":
53            return str(int(dt.timestamp() * 1_000_000))
54        if format == "%ms":
55            # timstamp() returns a float representing the number of seconds since the unix epoch
56            return str(int(dt.timestamp() * 1000))
57        if "%_ms" in format:
58            _format = format.replace("%_ms", "%f")
59            milliseconds = int(dt.microsecond / 1000)
60            formatted_dt = dt.strftime(_format).replace(dt.strftime("%f"), "%03d" % milliseconds)
61            return formatted_dt
62        else:
63            return dt.strftime(format)