
The destinations module provides classes for building destination connectors.

1# Copyright (c) 2021 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
2"""The destinations module provides classes for building destination connectors."""
4from .destination import Destination
6__all__ = [
7    "Destination",
 30class Destination(Connector, ABC):
 31    VALID_CMDS = {"spec", "check", "write"}
 33    @abstractmethod
 34    def write(
 35        self,
 36        config: Mapping[str, Any],
 37        configured_catalog: ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog,
 38        input_messages: Iterable[AirbyteMessage],
 39    ) -> Iterable[AirbyteMessage]:
 40        """Implement to define how the connector writes data to the destination"""
 42    def _run_check(self, config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> AirbyteMessage:
 43        check_result = self.check(logger, config)
 44        return AirbyteMessage(type=Type.CONNECTION_STATUS, connectionStatus=check_result)
 46    def _parse_input_stream(self, input_stream: io.TextIOWrapper) -> Iterable[AirbyteMessage]:
 47        """Reads from stdin, converting to Airbyte messages"""
 48        for line in input_stream:
 49            try:
 50                yield AirbyteMessageSerializer.load(orjson.loads(line))
 51            except orjson.JSONDecodeError:
 53                    f"ignoring input which can't be deserialized as Airbyte Message: {line}"
 54                )
 56    def _run_write(
 57        self,
 58        config: Mapping[str, Any],
 59        configured_catalog_path: str,
 60        input_stream: io.TextIOWrapper,
 61    ) -> Iterable[AirbyteMessage]:
 62        catalog = ConfiguredAirbyteCatalogSerializer.load(
 63            orjson.loads(open(configured_catalog_path).read())
 64        )
 65        input_messages = self._parse_input_stream(input_stream)
 66"Begin writing to the destination...")
 67        yield from self.write(
 68            config=config, configured_catalog=catalog, input_messages=input_messages
 69        )
 70"Writing complete.")
 72    def parse_args(self, args: List[str]) -> argparse.Namespace:
 73        """
 74        :param args: commandline arguments
 75        :return:
 76        """
 78        parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
 79        main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 80        subparsers = main_parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", dest="command")
 82        # spec
 83        subparsers.add_parser(
 84            "spec", help="outputs the json configuration specification", parents=[parent_parser]
 85        )
 87        # check
 88        check_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
 89            "check", help="checks the config can be used to connect", parents=[parent_parser]
 90        )
 91        required_check_parser = check_parser.add_argument_group("required named arguments")
 92        required_check_parser.add_argument(
 93            "--config", type=str, required=True, help="path to the json configuration file"
 94        )
 96        # write
 97        write_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
 98            "write", help="Writes data to the destination", parents=[parent_parser]
 99        )
100        write_required = write_parser.add_argument_group("required named arguments")
101        write_required.add_argument(
102            "--config", type=str, required=True, help="path to the JSON configuration file"
103        )
104        write_required.add_argument(
105            "--catalog", type=str, required=True, help="path to the configured catalog JSON file"
106        )
108        parsed_args = main_parser.parse_args(args)
109        cmd = parsed_args.command
110        if not cmd:
111            raise Exception("No command entered. ")
112        elif cmd not in ["spec", "check", "write"]:
113            # This is technically dead code since parse_args() would fail if this was the case
114            # But it's non-obvious enough to warrant placing it here anyways
115            raise Exception(f"Unknown command entered: {cmd}")
117        return parsed_args
119    def run_cmd(self, parsed_args: argparse.Namespace) -> Iterable[AirbyteMessage]:
120        cmd = parsed_args.command
121        if cmd not in self.VALID_CMDS:
122            raise Exception(f"Unrecognized command: {cmd}")
124        spec = self.spec(logger)
125        if cmd == "spec":
126            yield AirbyteMessage(type=Type.SPEC, spec=spec)
127            return
128        config = self.read_config(config_path=parsed_args.config)
129        if self.check_config_against_spec or cmd == "check":
130            try:
131                check_config_against_spec_or_exit(config, spec)
132            except AirbyteTracedException as traced_exc:
133                connection_status = traced_exc.as_connection_status_message()
134                if connection_status and cmd == "check":
135                    yield connection_status
136                    return
137                raise traced_exc
139        if cmd == "check":
140            yield self._run_check(config=config)
141        elif cmd == "write":
142            # Wrap in UTF-8 to override any other input encodings
143            wrapped_stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding="utf-8")
144            yield from self._run_write(
145                config=config,
146                configured_catalog_path=parsed_args.catalog,
147                input_stream=wrapped_stdin,
148            )
150    def run(self, args: List[str]) -> None:
151        init_uncaught_exception_handler(logger)
152        parsed_args = self.parse_args(args)
153        output_messages = self.run_cmd(parsed_args)
154        for message in output_messages:
155            print(orjson.dumps(AirbyteMessageSerializer.dump(message)).decode())

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

VALID_CMDS = {'write', 'spec', 'check'}
def write( self, config: Mapping[str, Any], configured_catalog: airbyte_protocol_dataclasses.models.airbyte_protocol.ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog, input_messages: Iterable[airbyte_cdk.AirbyteMessage]) -> Iterable[airbyte_cdk.AirbyteMessage]:
33    @abstractmethod
34    def write(
35        self,
36        config: Mapping[str, Any],
37        configured_catalog: ConfiguredAirbyteCatalog,
38        input_messages: Iterable[AirbyteMessage],
39    ) -> Iterable[AirbyteMessage]:
40        """Implement to define how the connector writes data to the destination"""

Implement to define how the connector writes data to the destination

def parse_args(self, args: List[str]) -> argparse.Namespace:
 72    def parse_args(self, args: List[str]) -> argparse.Namespace:
 73        """
 74        :param args: commandline arguments
 75        :return:
 76        """
 78        parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
 79        main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 80        subparsers = main_parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", dest="command")
 82        # spec
 83        subparsers.add_parser(
 84            "spec", help="outputs the json configuration specification", parents=[parent_parser]
 85        )
 87        # check
 88        check_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
 89            "check", help="checks the config can be used to connect", parents=[parent_parser]
 90        )
 91        required_check_parser = check_parser.add_argument_group("required named arguments")
 92        required_check_parser.add_argument(
 93            "--config", type=str, required=True, help="path to the json configuration file"
 94        )
 96        # write
 97        write_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
 98            "write", help="Writes data to the destination", parents=[parent_parser]
 99        )
100        write_required = write_parser.add_argument_group("required named arguments")
101        write_required.add_argument(
102            "--config", type=str, required=True, help="path to the JSON configuration file"
103        )
104        write_required.add_argument(
105            "--catalog", type=str, required=True, help="path to the configured catalog JSON file"
106        )
108        parsed_args = main_parser.parse_args(args)
109        cmd = parsed_args.command
110        if not cmd:
111            raise Exception("No command entered. ")
112        elif cmd not in ["spec", "check", "write"]:
113            # This is technically dead code since parse_args() would fail if this was the case
114            # But it's non-obvious enough to warrant placing it here anyways
115            raise Exception(f"Unknown command entered: {cmd}")
117        return parsed_args
  • args: commandline arguments
def run_cmd( self, parsed_args: argparse.Namespace) -> Iterable[airbyte_cdk.AirbyteMessage]:
119    def run_cmd(self, parsed_args: argparse.Namespace) -> Iterable[AirbyteMessage]:
120        cmd = parsed_args.command
121        if cmd not in self.VALID_CMDS:
122            raise Exception(f"Unrecognized command: {cmd}")
124        spec = self.spec(logger)
125        if cmd == "spec":
126            yield AirbyteMessage(type=Type.SPEC, spec=spec)
127            return
128        config = self.read_config(config_path=parsed_args.config)
129        if self.check_config_against_spec or cmd == "check":
130            try:
131                check_config_against_spec_or_exit(config, spec)
132            except AirbyteTracedException as traced_exc:
133                connection_status = traced_exc.as_connection_status_message()
134                if connection_status and cmd == "check":
135                    yield connection_status
136                    return
137                raise traced_exc
139        if cmd == "check":
140            yield self._run_check(config=config)
141        elif cmd == "write":
142            # Wrap in UTF-8 to override any other input encodings
143            wrapped_stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding="utf-8")
144            yield from self._run_write(
145                config=config,
146                configured_catalog_path=parsed_args.catalog,
147                input_stream=wrapped_stdin,
148            )
def run(self, args: List[str]) -> None:
150    def run(self, args: List[str]) -> None:
151        init_uncaught_exception_handler(logger)
152        parsed_args = self.parse_args(args)
153        output_messages = self.run_cmd(parsed_args)
154        for message in output_messages:
155            print(orjson.dumps(AirbyteMessageSerializer.dump(message)).decode())